Friday, March 14, 2014


Just cant blog about anything else before this :(

It has been a week. Still no news :(

Sejak 8 mac hari tu, tak boleh tido lena disebabkan oleh berita sedih ni.
Dah macam2 spekulasi, macam2 fitnah, macam2 rumours, macam2 nonsense.

Malaysian authorities dah buat yang terbaik with other countries help too.
Bukan calang2 pertolongan, melibatkan 12 negara.
News spread super fast all over the world. Tak sanggup nak dengar "strangers" bercakap bukan2 pasal negara Malaysia (kenyataan bercanggah, lalai, security, bomoh etc)
I love my country.

Dah hari ke7, still rasa tak best, sedih, sayu mengenang nasib penumpang dan crew MH370 :(
Where are they??
I dont know others, but i think some people are not sensitive about this big issue.
Share rumours, speculate, write bad about people, tak fikir dulu sebelum nak tulis esp kat social media.
Tak fikir perasaan waris dan family mangsa. Sad but true.

Some just ignore, seronok je happy2 macam nothing happen.
Yes yes, we have to move on with our lives.
(or maybe they really care, just tak show off)
Kat fb, i dont mind about people yang post status biasa2, pasal family, friends.
Basically pasal life la kan. Normal.
Tapi yang spam timeline dengan so-called business setiap 5 minit skali.
I think these people should slow down sikit, or balance kan dengan sharing positiive thoughts about the news.

I know, nak cari rezeki kena usaha mempengaruhi customer.
But spamming people's timeline one after another, perlu?
Dah ada business page sendiri tapi still nak post setiap saat guna personal.
Rasamya, kalau customer berminat, mesti dah like page tu.
 And nak post 80kali sehari pun takde hal sebab followers je yang nampak.

Sehari 20kali post benda yang sama kot sampai berderet kat newsfeed.
Benda yang sama.
Like the didnt even care about this super big news.
Ada aku kesah hal dunia, yang penting masyuk. Gitu.

Ok, i'm super sensitive about this issue maybe.
Even xde family members atau friends yang terlibat, but still merasa kesedihan yang amat.
I do have heart ok.
Simpati dan empati :(
Sampai tak boleh nak happy2 tulis apa2 kat fb, IG, twitter.
Mampu scroll and baca je.
Is it just me feeling like that??

Back to the story, di hari ke 7 yakni Jumaat yang mulia, moga di permudahkan Allah swt untuk mencari pesawat MH370. Semoga ada berita yang baik dan positif.
Allah sedang menguji kita.

My thought and prayers are all with passengers and crew on board MH370.
Please come back :(

Dont lose hope, people. Keep on praying.
InsyaAllah, miracles do happen.


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Friday, March 14, 2014


Just cant blog about anything else before this :(

It has been a week. Still no news :(

Sejak 8 mac hari tu, tak boleh tido lena disebabkan oleh berita sedih ni.
Dah macam2 spekulasi, macam2 fitnah, macam2 rumours, macam2 nonsense.

Malaysian authorities dah buat yang terbaik with other countries help too.
Bukan calang2 pertolongan, melibatkan 12 negara.
News spread super fast all over the world. Tak sanggup nak dengar "strangers" bercakap bukan2 pasal negara Malaysia (kenyataan bercanggah, lalai, security, bomoh etc)
I love my country.

Dah hari ke7, still rasa tak best, sedih, sayu mengenang nasib penumpang dan crew MH370 :(
Where are they??
I dont know others, but i think some people are not sensitive about this big issue.
Share rumours, speculate, write bad about people, tak fikir dulu sebelum nak tulis esp kat social media.
Tak fikir perasaan waris dan family mangsa. Sad but true.

Some just ignore, seronok je happy2 macam nothing happen.
Yes yes, we have to move on with our lives.
(or maybe they really care, just tak show off)
Kat fb, i dont mind about people yang post status biasa2, pasal family, friends.
Basically pasal life la kan. Normal.
Tapi yang spam timeline dengan so-called business setiap 5 minit skali.
I think these people should slow down sikit, or balance kan dengan sharing positiive thoughts about the news.

I know, nak cari rezeki kena usaha mempengaruhi customer.
But spamming people's timeline one after another, perlu?
Dah ada business page sendiri tapi still nak post setiap saat guna personal.
Rasamya, kalau customer berminat, mesti dah like page tu.
 And nak post 80kali sehari pun takde hal sebab followers je yang nampak.

Sehari 20kali post benda yang sama kot sampai berderet kat newsfeed.
Benda yang sama.
Like the didnt even care about this super big news.
Ada aku kesah hal dunia, yang penting masyuk. Gitu.

Ok, i'm super sensitive about this issue maybe.
Even xde family members atau friends yang terlibat, but still merasa kesedihan yang amat.
I do have heart ok.
Simpati dan empati :(
Sampai tak boleh nak happy2 tulis apa2 kat fb, IG, twitter.
Mampu scroll and baca je.
Is it just me feeling like that??

Back to the story, di hari ke 7 yakni Jumaat yang mulia, moga di permudahkan Allah swt untuk mencari pesawat MH370. Semoga ada berita yang baik dan positif.
Allah sedang menguji kita.

My thought and prayers are all with passengers and crew on board MH370.
Please come back :(

Dont lose hope, people. Keep on praying.
InsyaAllah, miracles do happen.
