Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kids XTVT : Bathroom wall painting :)

Dah lama tak update activity budak budak.
So, what we did months ago??
Bathroom wall painting!!

Kids woke up super duper early sebab tak sabar nak berlemuih.
Sebelum memulakan aktiviti, apa perlu buat?

First, make sure they wear the most tak sayang baju hehe. So, tak kisah berlemuih dengan water color pon.
Or pakaikan apron instead. But they dont have any (yet). So here they goes.

Second. Mentally prepared mom. You'd go hysterical when you see the result hehe. In a good way la.

Third. What are you waiting for? Go paint kids!

I've read this one one blog that she lets her kids conteng bathroom wall.
It gave me an idea! Since ada unused bathroom upstairs, so why not kan?
Sounds interesting!

 They really love this sebab boleh melukis sesuka hati without limit.
Save papers :)

 Hasil kerja adik :)

Kakak ambik bigger space :) 

Kusyuk sungguh anak2.

Biarkan mereka dengan imaginasi tersendiri :)
Never mind if we dont understand even a bit hehe.


 Lepas puas painting, ajak diorang to do the cleaning!
The best part to them i think.
Obviously, they enjoyed this sebab boleh basah2.

Boboi paling rajin mencuci haha.


Pastu boleh mandi terus.
Kan senang :)

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kids XTVT : Bathroom wall painting :)

Dah lama tak update activity budak budak.
So, what we did months ago??
Bathroom wall painting!!

Kids woke up super duper early sebab tak sabar nak berlemuih.
Sebelum memulakan aktiviti, apa perlu buat?

First, make sure they wear the most tak sayang baju hehe. So, tak kisah berlemuih dengan water color pon.
Or pakaikan apron instead. But they dont have any (yet). So here they goes.

Second. Mentally prepared mom. You'd go hysterical when you see the result hehe. In a good way la.

Third. What are you waiting for? Go paint kids!

I've read this one one blog that she lets her kids conteng bathroom wall.
It gave me an idea! Since ada unused bathroom upstairs, so why not kan?
Sounds interesting!

 They really love this sebab boleh melukis sesuka hati without limit.
Save papers :)

 Hasil kerja adik :)

Kakak ambik bigger space :) 

Kusyuk sungguh anak2.

Biarkan mereka dengan imaginasi tersendiri :)
Never mind if we dont understand even a bit hehe.


 Lepas puas painting, ajak diorang to do the cleaning!
The best part to them i think.
Obviously, they enjoyed this sebab boleh basah2.

Boboi paling rajin mencuci haha.


Pastu boleh mandi terus.
Kan senang :)